Sunday, March 15, 2015: M’Liss Graham, CTE teacher at Uvalde High School, goes through a brochure with an incoming freshman and his father Wednesday evening during a course fair held in Harvey Kinchlow Gymnasium.
50 years ago
10 years ago
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Roman, eZtilo to take stage at Tejano fan fair – Uvalde’s own Anna Roman and eZtilo will be performing at this year’s Texas Talent Musicians Association (TTMA) Tejano Music Awards Fan Fair 2015, which begins today and will conclude Sunday at the Historic Market Square in Downtown San Antonio. The four-day event runs from noon to 11 p.m. each night and will showcase over 125 bands from across the U.S. Anna Roman will hit the stage Saturday at 5:15 p.m. at the San Saba South Stage. Tejano band eZtilo will be performing tomorrow at 12:45 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. at the San Saba North Stage.
Woman hits boyfriend four times with car – Uvalde Police arrested a 22-year-old woman on Tuesday after video footage captured her striking her boyfriend multiple times with a vehicle as he held their 11-month-old child in his arms. Angeli Gomez, 22, of 536 S. Camp St., was arrested on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, family violence and abandoning or endangering a child. Her boyfriend, Alfredo Martinez Jr., 20, of 703 North St., was charged with abandoning or endangering a child, criminal negligence; possessing more than 2 ounces but less than 4 ounces of marijuana; and resisting arrest, search or seizure. The disturbance occurred behind Trevino’s Electric Service, at 616 S. Getty St.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Congressman Will Hurd talks politics – Every other Thursday, one of Congressman Will Hurd’s staff members does a rain dance for the 23rd district of Texas. It is a fun way for his team to blow off steam and at the same time show support for the counties they represent. The anecdote came during a speech Thursday at Southwest Livestock Exchange, as Hurd makes his way around south and west Texas, visiting the counties he represents. … Hurd was born and raised in San Antonio and attended Texas A&M University where he majored in computer science. “I always say I was more of the M than the A in A&M,” Hurd said. After graduating, he went straight into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where he was an undercover officer for nine years.
Is Uvalde home to Food Pantry of the Year? – The Uvalde Food Pantry has been nominated by the San Antonio Food Bank as Food Pantry of the Year. The local organization will be recognized at the Golden Apples Awards Banquet on March 26, in New Braunfels. Board president Tru Hiatt said, “We are really honored by this nomination but it is all due to the community support and our volunteers.” The Uvalde Food Pantry, which is located at 211 S. Evans St., serves more than 500 families each week.
50 years ago
Thursday, March 13, 1975
Briscoe advises government get out of energy business – Gov. Dolph Briscoe suggested here Saturday afternoon that selling American agricultural products in the world markets might represent the best way to offset the disastrous balance of payment deficits caused by the high price of imported Arab oil. … Noting that high fuel prices hurt farm and ranch operations as well as other segments of the economy, the Texas governor took a dim view of Administration and Congressional proposals to cut oil imports “by increasing the price of a product which is already too high.” This merely adds to the inflation plaguing the nation’s economy, he asserted. Briscoe received applause when he called for the government to “get out of the energy business” and let the free enterprise system solve the problem through the law of supply and demand.
County commissioners consider unit system – George Moore, Precinct 3 County Commissioner, has filed a motion that the County of Uvalde adopt the unit system for the construction – and repair of County roads and to hire a County Engineer to handle the work. The motion was made at the regular meeting of the Commissioners Court Monday with County Judge Leo Darley presiding. … The other Commissioners agreed to study the motion and to vote on its adoption or rejection at the April 14 meeting of the Commissioners.
Sunday, March 16, 1975
City dads keep beer hour – At Thursday night’s meeting of the Uvalde City Council, various bids were opened, a request for a change in the closing hour for the sale of beer was denied, lease of the airport farm was discussed, and a resolution adopted to apply for grant funds. All members of the council were present with Mayor Howard T. Langford presiding. … J. Estrada appeared before the Council to request adoption of a change in the late hour closing law for the sale of beer, extending the time until 2 a.m. The request was denied.
Rabies control meeting called – A public meeting has been called for discussion of the abnormal number of rabies cases occurring in a part of Uvalde County. The meeting will be March 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Public Health Region 9 offices in the former Memorial Hospital building, Garner Field Road, Uvalde. All interested parties are invited to be present at this meeting and to offer any suggestions they might have. … Purpose of this meeting was to discuss the fact that an abnormal number of cases of rabies had been occurring in a part of Uvalde County. The area covered is actually from the Pingenot ranch south of Cline in a northerly direction up the Nueces River to the Real County Line.
from Leader-News files